Concordia's 48th Film Festival Provides a Spotlight for Underrepresented Voices in Film

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Today marks the beginning of Concordia's 48th Film Festival, which will run until May 9th, 2021. The festival will take place online, and features five categories: Documentary, Experimental, Lights Out (a section devoted to genre films), Visions (a spotlight of underrepresented voices in the mainstream), and Canadian Fiction. 

The festival is also hosting an Emerging Voices seminar, where students can present their research projects, journals, papers, or any academic ventures in an environment inclined to discuss and learn. This year's jury panelists include Florence Pelletier, Carol Nguyen, Jad Orphée Chami, Moïa Jobin-Paré, Éric Falardeau, and Omar Elhamy. 

The CFF is a student-run, non-profit film festival dedicated to its growing community of artists, scholars, and industry professionals. The festival showcases films from Concordia's Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema and works by film students from all over the world. 

You can check out the schedule and stream the festival via this link.

Concordia Film Festival

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Malaika Astorga is the co-founder of Also Cool. She is a Mexican-Canadian visual artist, writer, and communications specialist currently based in Montreal.

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Concordia Film Festival Goes Digital for its 47th Anniversary


This year, Concordia University's film festival (the CFF) goes digital. The 47th edition of the festival will stream on Twitch from June 20th-21st, and is focused on highlighting underrepresented voices. The weekend festival features screenings, Q&As, and a discussion panel with Dr. Tracy Zhang as the moderator, who will discuss female representation and feminism in film education. ​

“Growing up watching films, one thing has always bothered me: the lack of diverse representations. For this reason, I’m proud of the work we’ve done with Visions, where we’ve opened up a space for these underrepresented voices to be heard. In our program, you’ll be able to get acquainted with stories and point of views that aren’t usually talked about or paid attention to, stories from different parts of the world and expressed in different genres: from experimental to documentary and fiction.”

-Millena Moreia (Programmer Spotlight: Visions)

Featuring works of students from both the Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema (MHSoC) and around the world, the CFF is the oldest student-run film festival in North America, and has evolved into an important platform for new up-and-coming talent.

The CFF is also debuting their "Spotlight" competition, open to all students outside of MHSoC, which consists of four categories: Underrepresented Voices, Documentary, Experimental, and Midnight Movie.

The festival will conclude by co-hosting the MHSoC Award Ceremony with the Concordia Cinema Office and presenting awards to their students.

"It has been an amazing experience being a part of a team filled with hard-working and passionate people! We're really excited to show you all some amazing student short films from around the world!" 
-Steven Lee (Programmer Spotlight: Lights Out)

Check out the complete festival schedule below

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