Head & Hands Launches "Ask A Lawyer" Series to Help You Get to Know Your Rights

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Do you know your rights? Do you want to? On October 24th, from 2 PM to 3 PM, À Deux Mains / Head & Hands will be hosting a one-hour live conversation with criminal lawyer Me. Roberta Harthel-Côté on Instagram. 

They will be digging into issues surrounding police, power, & COVID-19. This will mark the pilot episode in their brand-new bilingual "Ask A Lawyer" series aimed at helping you know your rights. This episode of the series will be in french. 

If you have any questions you'd like to submit to us beforehand, send them to legalassistant@headandhands.ca

If you're based in Montreal and are in need of medical, legal, or social services, Head and Hands is a great resource located in the NDG neighbourhood. For more information about this great organization and what they do, you can check out their website.

Head & Hands

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