A Visual History of Fleetwood Mac’s Rumours Illustrated by Michayla Grbich
Also Cool is proud to present a visual history of Rumours by Fleetwood Mac by Michayla Grbich. This is the first in a series of illustrated musical histories by Michayla.
We’ve included the full album below so that you can listen as you read for the full experience.

Michayla Grbich is an illustrator with strong interests in portraiture, storytelling, history, music, and pop culture. She enjoys exploring and pushing narratives through her art, utilizing symbols, icons, and colors to set the tone for her work.
If you’re as in love as we are with Michayla’s beautiful work, you can find information for commissions, and more of her work below. For freelance or commission inquiries please email michayla.grbich.art (@) gmail.com
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