ACM x HHYDS Presents Digital Sleepover 2 An Online Frootiversary Panel and Dance Party

We're having a sleepover, and you're invited. On September 19th at 8pm EST, Also Cool is partnering with Hip Hop You Don't Stop and Strange Froots to bring you the second edition of our Digital Sleepover event in celebration of the Froots' 7th anniversary of their debut album.
The event will take place online as a part of HHYDS's hybrid festival format this year, and will be streamed from the Also Cool HQ. We'll be hosting a round table discussion on what we learned about the music and entertainment business during the pandemic, RnB's place in hip-hop culture, towing that line, navigating being a guest in the culture, and what queer representation looks like in the Montreal hip-hop scene. Our wonderful panellists will be JU!CE, Khadijah, Faneva, and Magi Merlin. After the panel, we'll have an online dance party DJed by JU!CE and Faneva.
RSVP to the event here