Also Cool Mag

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How Flip Media & Free the Flow Are Working to End Period Poverty

Flip Media is a feminist zine based in San Diego,  focused on creating an inclusive and welcoming space for diverse creators all around the world. They recently teamed up with Free the Flow to spread awareness and raise funds to help end period poverty with their merch collection.

We got to chat with one of their co-founders Sonia about how they got started, the San Diego creative scene, and Free the Flow.

Also Cool Mag: How did Flip get started, and how did you initially get involved?

Sonia for Flip Media: I had approached Erica (my co-founder) in February about creating a discussion space for feminism. Initially, Flip Media was called Flip San Diego! We did small events a couple times a month and had a very small reach regarding our work. When quarantine rolled around we were unable to do events, and started wondering where to go with Flip from there. We decided upon transitioning our brand to becoming a zine, and that’s where we are today!

AC: Tell us about Flip’s community. Are your submissions primarily from the San Diego area? Who do you hope to reach with your content?

Flip: It’s really amazing because our community is very locationally diverse. Every time we get a message from someone from the UK, or from Ireland, or Canada we are just so amazed! We get quite a few submissions from San Diego, but our content is directed at anyone who wants to become a part of a cool feminist community.

AC: We’re based in Montreal, which is very far from San Diego. Tell us what the creative scene is like, and how you engage with that community.

Flip: San Diego has an insane indie/underground music scene! We’ve been able to connect with so many cool independent artists, and bring their music to our followers. Film is all the rage here, and so we get to see a ton of photos from really talented individuals. Our school is very artsy, and holds art shows displaying work from student artists. The way we engage with all these amazing creators is just by doing our research. It’s amazing who you can connect with by just showing up to an event, or even doing an Instagram deep dive. 

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AC: Let’s talk about your collaboration with Free the Flow! Who are they, what do they do, and how can we get involved?

Free the Flow is a Bay-Area based and teen-led nonprofit. They strive to raise awareness for period poverty, as well as working towards ending it for individuals worldwide. Follow them at freetheflowco on Instagram to learn more about their recent work, and how to get involved! They are always working to organize fun ways to raise awareness and receive donations to help their cause. 

AC: Can you direct us to some resources to better educate ourselves about period poverty?

Flip: You can go to to sign petitions for menstrual equity across the world! Flow: The Cultural History of Menstruation is a great book to read to educate yourself on the origins of period inequality. Free the Flow has compiled a list of resources regarding period poverty, sustainability, stigma, the pink tax and more! They’ve done so much amazing research and I suggest checking that out as well. 

AC: Where can we buy your collab?

Flip: Our totes and stickers are for sale on! 70% of proceeds go to Free the Flow. Both of our teams worked really hard to create the original designs on our totes and stickers. They’re pretty cute, and I would snag one if I were you (I’m a little biased of course). 

AC: How can people get involved with Flip? What kind of contributors are you looking for?

Flip: Follow us at flipmediaa on Instagram to learn about what creative projects we are looking to do next. We are just finishing up our third print issue, but we are always looking for independent works of writing and photography to go on our webzine. Thanks so much to Also Cool Mag for giving us this amazing opportunity! Much love to you all.

Flip Media

Website I Instagram I Spotify

Free the Flow


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