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Lux Magna x Also Cool: ☼ Age of Aquarius: An Aquastellar Experience • Cosmique Tea ☼

Lux Magna, Overture with the Arts & Also Cool Mag présentent:

☼ Age of Aquarius: Aquastellar Art and Afrofuturistic Tea ☼
21h - 00h à El Centro MTL

☼ Cosmique Tea (Montreal)

Mags et Juice célèbre la sortie de leur projet musical "Age of Aquarius". Pendant la soirée d'écoute, Toni (alias Cosmique Tea) fera des lectures de cartes en tête-à-tête (RSVP au, contribution volontaire). Ensuite, Mags et Toni animeront une discussion ouverte sur les concepts de base de l'astrologie et la lecture de carte.

Cartoonist, beatmaker, chanteuse, MC. Co-fondatrice de Rap Battles for Social Justice.
Membre fondatrice du trio Strange Froots, sous NoBad Sound Studio.

DJ d'origines haïtiennes basé entre Montreal et Ottawa, beatmaker, artiste visuel et chanteuse. Co-anime les soirées mensuelles Fruit, Star, Candy Bar.

Cosmique Tea
Toni (iel/elle) est un·e jeune praticien·ne de l'accompagnement spirituel basé·e à Montréal. Toni, connu.e sous le nom de @CosmiqueTea, est aussi un·e guérisseur·euse intuitif·ve et porteur·euse d'eau qui offre des safe place pour la divination, les ateliers et les cercles de lune qui favorisent activement la conscience de soi, la guérison par l'unité et joie.
Twitter / Instagram: @luxmagnafest


El Centro se situe au 1ère étage (il y a 13 marches au total). Les toilettes sont de genre neutre et ne sont pas accessibles aux fauteuils roulants. Toute personne désirant une assistance pour accéder à notre salle peut nous contacter. C'est avec plaisir que nous tenterons de répondre au mieux à ses besoins.


Lux Magna, Overture with the Arts & Also Cool Mag present:

☼ Age of Aquarius: Aquastellar Art and Afrofuturistic Tea ☼
9PM - 00PM at El Centro MTL

☼ Cosmique Tea (Montreal)

Mags and Juice are dropping their collaborative album, "Age of Aquarius", a musical project combining nostalgic sounds with video game OSTs to create a set of audio aesthetics, representing the 12 zodiac sings. During the listening party, Toni will be doing one-on-one card readings (reserve your spot at, PWYC). Afterwards, Mags & Toni will facilitate an open discussion about basic astrology concepts and general reading.

Cartoonist, beatmaker, singer-songwriter, MC. Original co-founder of Rap Battles for Social Justice.
Founding member of MTL trio Strange Froots, under NoBad Sound Studio.

Haitian-Canadian DJ based between Montreal and Ottawa, producer, visual artist and singer-songwriter. Co-hosts the monthly DJ night Fruit, Star, Candy Bar.

Cosmique Tea
Toni (she/her they/them) is a Youth and Spiritual Care Practitioner based in Montreal. Toni formally known as @CosmiqueTea is also a water-bearing intuitive healer facilitating safer-spaces for divination, self-homecoming, workshops, and moon circles that actively promote self-awareness, come-unity healing and joy.
Twitter / Instagram: @luxmagnafest


El Centro restaurant is located on the first floor (there are 13 steps total). There are gender neutral washrooms which are not wheelchair accessible. Anyone needing assistance accessing our space can contact us as we are more than happy to try and accommodate people to the best of our ability.

Earlier Event: January 10
BLUSH III x Also Cool: Special Edition
Later Event: February 3
Be a Vendor at VAULT: Unlocked